a format of a 2 page letter to an American President, similar to how Benjamin Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. Questions/Topics: Lynching Racial Legislation Mob Mentality Statue of Liberty How can we learn from the past to create change toda

a format of a 2 page letter to an American President, similar to how Benjamin Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. Questions/Topics: LynchingRacial LegislationMob MentalityStatue of LibertyHow can we learn from the past to create change today and into the future?

Module 6

OverviewIn this module, you have learned about the importance of body language and vocal inflection in public speaking. In this video journal activity, you will examine a video to identify poor nonverbal practices. Use this opportunity to practice public speaking and apply the best practices you have learned. Please note …

6-1 Discussion: Persuasive Outline

In Project Two, you will modify your informative presentation to prepare and deliver a persuasive speech. Before delivering your speech, you should create an outline to reflect the new persuasive purpose. You can either revise your informative presentation outline to reflect the persuasive claim, or you can create a new …

Globalization, management, and business

Write a 3-4page essay explaining how you would answer the interviewquestions that Jeanette says you could expect. Your essay should be based primarily on our classlectures thus far; assigned articles on Canvas labeled Optional and Week 1 & 2 articles; ourtext book; and other articles or readings you can find …

Visual and Auditory Impairments

How are the social, emotional and cognitive aspects of deafness different between pre-lingual and post-lingual deafness? Discussion:How do you think technology has impacted the quality of life for persons with visual impairments? Do a quick web search to discover the most recent advances in technology that will benefit those with …

How the US governement should built a better refugee policy for Syrian refugees as it will be beneficial for both the refugees and US national security and they stractegic interests.

https://www.unhcr.org/en-us/news/latest/2020/10/5f7dfbc24/covid-19-crisis-underlines-need-refugee-solidarity-inclusion.html https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/02/04/executive-order-on-rebuilding-and-enhancing-programs-to-resettle-refugees-and-planning-for-the-impact-of-climate-change-on-migration/ https://www.state.gov/reports/report-to-congress-on-proposed-refugee-admissions-for-fy-2021/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2020/08/11/covid-19-and-the-chance-to-reform-us-refugee-policy/amp/

Caring for the Frail Elderly & Living Arrangements

12/13-1: Written Assignment: Multiple Options: Please choose one of the two following options: Option 11-2 (a): Movie Option: Watch the movie Driving Miss Daisy.                 Create a 3-page essay in which you integrate 10 topics from the text connecting the topics to the …

populism/nationalism and cultural mlange

It is class discussion forum so please write in the format of a conversation and not essay In our textbook, we read about two diametrically opposed forces: populism/nationalism and cultural mlange. Discuss the role that modernity and capitalism play in creating the cultural mlange and how, in your view, they …