General science

Sandin (Links to an external site.)Relate the Sandin essay to what weve covered in class (cells, genetics/variation, inheritance), AND reflect on part of the essay that strikes you. This essay is written by a woman who was born with a birth defect that could have been caused by a …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose three of these paintings, identify them at the top of your essay, and then write a unified discussion of how they serve as good examples of why this artist is considered one of the most innovative and important painters of the Quattrocento (the 15th century).

Operations Management

In Milestone One, you will submit the operations management section (Section I) of your project management plan. Assess the history and trends of operations management, focusing on the business or company from your business plan in the Marketing and Strategy course. Provide rationale for the selection of your business development …

Identify an ethical dilemma of workplace or career

Business, ethic, society — Writing intense course In this paper, students: (1) Identify an ethical dilemma in the context of their own workplace or career (or another business setting if they do not have work experience subject to the approval of the instructor); (2) Identify the stakeholders and discuss how …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You need to write a 350 to 700 words reflection paper related to learning experience in the course so far in the semester. The purpose of reflection paper is to encourage you to reflect on readings, assignments, lectures, past experiences/behaviors and apply OB topics/strategies/theories to try to better understand your …

Age group (41-64)

Please fill out the questions for the specific age group, 41-64, for the Monterey County(CA)(This is mostly a data collection assignment). Please also use the recourses, weblink, that are at the bottom of the pdf. You’re able to use other sites but please add your source. (details are all on …

A mother tongue by Amy Tan

Provide an overview of the selected reading you have analyzed, briefly describing main points, and your reaction to the author’s claim.State your evaluation of the author’s claim that you will prove in your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.II. Body The …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an essay that thinks through your understanding of what is Queer Studies and respond to the following quote: Where is the space in queer studies for a feminist who still believes that state sanctioned marriage is one of the most insidious forms of institutionalized racism? Sharon Holland. You cannot …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research the use of relational databases in social media marketing by using these resources. Compile these resources into a three page, APA formatted commentary, which answer the elements in part , below. (Bibliography included)Hoffman, Fodor. Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research the use of relational databases in social media marketing by using these resources. Compile these resources into a three page, APA formatted commentary, which answer the elements in part , below. (Bibliography included)Hoffman, Fodor. Can You Measure the ROI of Your Social Media Marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review. Fall …