
12 pt times new roman, default margins, 6 pages double spaced, in-text citations and reference page Can be on any of the following crops:applescottonpearssoy beanssweet potatoeswatermelonspinesginsengcantaloupescucumbersbeans (one species)peas (one speciestomatoesegg plantsany nut cropany citrus fruit follows the similar outline of:A. NomenclatureB. Morphology1. Roots2. Stems3. Leaves4. Flowers (if flowering plant) andfruits5. …


Reviews of two articles associated with drinking These write-ups need to come from an academic journal. Be sure to use proper citations. These write-ups need to (1) explain briefly what was done, (2) how it was done, (3) what the results were and (4) how it is related to your …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read:https://points.datasociety.net/the-point-of-collection-8ee44ad7c2fa#.y0xtfxi2p Questions: Variables allow us to store and remember information, and they also allow for that information to change. Should there be rules to what can be used as a variable, what can be stored, and what can be remembered? Are there things that shouldnt be?  How should we decide …

Emotional Intelligence

Unit IV Article CritiquePolice and Community    Weight: 10% of course grade    Grading Rubric    Due: Tuesday, 09/29/2020 11:59 PM (CST)InstructionsFor this assignment, you will be using the  Online Library to locate an article that discusses how emotional intelligence, intelligence quotient, and/or social intelligence are important to police-community relations.The …


Pick a criminal justice agency that interests you.  In 500 words or more, create a scenario where you are the administration/management of this organization. Describe how you would go about motivating your personnel.  What would your staff look like?  How many people?  What would their jobs be as well as …

Can neglect affect our lives beyond its experience?

Neglect is the hardest type of abuse because there is no physical evidence of abuse. Yet the trauma that affects people in their minds and heart is a long term effect. Are we fully aware of the effects neglect has on children? Are we fully cognizant that many times when …

Managerial Accounting

Susie Harrison is a financial consultant to Investments Trust Inc., a real estate syndicate.  Investments Trust Inc. finances and develops commercial real estate (office buildings.)  The completed projects are then sold as limited partnership interests to individual investors.  The syndicate makes a profit on the sale of these partnership interests.  …

Business Policy

Case 12: Amazon.com Inc.: Retailing Giant to High-Tech Player? (Internet Companies)Conduct a strategic analysis using the Executive Summary template.  Prepare and submit a three-page executive summary that discusses what strategic alternatives are available and provide a recommended strategy. You are to work alone to analyze and prepare the Executive Summary …

Advantages of a College Degree

Consider the value of receiving a college education: What are the advantages of obtaining a college degree?  Why should a person receive a college education? Plan and write a well-developed paragraph of at least 8 10 sentences  answering the question Why should a person receive a college education? and in …

Disscussion Post on Advertising Agency

Go online and choose a Toronto Based Advertising Agency to learn about.Create a post What Communication Family Tree are they members of?Who are their clients?What are some job titles?What are the duties they perform for their clients?