War & Peace

Contrast Ed Palms view of how indirect counterinsurgency was implemented in Vietnam with David Kilcullens strategy for the correct implementation. Could anything have been done at the lowest levels by the Marines in I Corps in the CAP program that could have improved the chances of success for the U.S. …

White Privilege and Unconscious Bias

In 1988, feminist scholar Peggy McIntosh published a controversial essay, White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming to See Correspondences through Work on Women’s Studies. A shortened version, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, was published in 1989. In these articles, McIntosh outlines her understanding of the …

Persuasive Speech about Education Reform

Must have 5 citations in BOLD.3 forms of Reasoning in Bold. Main points: I.    (need) It is apparent that our now established education system is unable to meet the needs of our hyper-connected society.II.    (satisfaction) You can help by attending your local school board meetings and voting on changes to …

Written Activity #4

Written Activity #4: Race & Pandemics: WHY DOES ANTHROPOLOGY MATTER?  Shanti Parik and Agustin Fuentes will be helping us to answer that question this week.  The world, it seems, could benefit from a more anthropological perspective.  What is anthropology, what kinds of questions or issues does it raise for you, …

What is Anthropology?

Complete the Chapter 1 reading and answer the following questions. You must answer the questions using information from the assigned reading. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. …

Slack Group Discussion #3

From Week 3 to Week 10 Week 7, 2/15 Asia, Art, Politics to Come Film Seaweed Woman, Yamashiro Chikako (2008) – Still Hear the Wound DVD Times: [44:40-1:04:00] Mud Man, Yamashiro Chikako (2016) https://youtu.be/7ZLwxxYmwHU Readings Specters of East Asia: Okinawa, Taiwan, and Korea, Choi Jinseok (2008) https://apjjf.org/2016/18/Choi.html In your discussions, …

Cultural shock

Watch this video first ! Describe a cultural encounter in which you experienced cultural shock or became aware of your own cultural screens and discuss how you managed it or could have managed it better. You may write about an incident in your own life, or you may write about …

Focus of The Island of Dominica

Must read book:From the Bush: The Front Line of Health Care in a Caribbean Village. by Marsha B. Quinlan. Thomson Wadsworth: ISBN: 978-0155085671. must be included in references Reference requirements 1.Only Websites that are .gov or .edu may be used as credible resources for your paper. 2.Any .com (or other …

Important historical artists in humanities

Submit a term paper on an important historical person in the humanities (such as an artist, dancer, musician, poet, etc.). Due Sunday 11:59pm (pacific) of Week 71000-1500 written wordsCite 3-5 scholarly resources from Barstow College Library Electronic Resources or Google Scholar (make sure they are scholarly!)Do NOT use internet websitesYour …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

n Chapters 89 of your text, you learned about various types of family contexts. Your textbook discusses these contexts, identifies ways in which resilience can be promoted and fostered, and provides specific intervention programs available to children and families that are experiencing non-nuclear family placements. Please use your readings and …