Any topic (writer’s choice)

Looking at Robert Waltons letters to his sister Mrs.(See Doc attached) Saville, especially letters 1 and II find the best quote which describes Waltons view of his own education and childhood. Then find a quote that describes the worst part of what he is feeling now in his life on …

asian study

Your answers will be graded on (1) Clarity of argument; (2) Strength and variety of evidence; (3) Organization; (4) Effectiveness of prose; and (5) Originality. You are expected to draw from readings, lecture materials, and your own thoughts. The course materials are the raw materials for the manufacturing of your …

asian study

Your answers will be graded on (1) Clarity of argument; (2) Strength and variety of evidence; (3) Organization; (4) Effectiveness of prose; and (5) Originality. You are expected to draw from readings, lecture materials, and your own thoughts. The course materials are the raw materials for the manufacturing of your …

Classical Archaeology

1.  Compare the frescoes of the Knossos palace to those found in the West Building at Akrotiri on Thera.  Do their subjects indicate differing ways of life by those inhabiting these buildings?  Do their color palates differ, and if so do these differences imply different levels of wealth?  Feel free …

Cultures in Middle East

PART ONEIn no more than 500 words each, define the following terms: clash of ignorances; totalizing; Shia; neocolonialist One third of your definition needs to explain the meaning of the term and if possible, who coined the term in what context. The other two thirds should discuss the significance and …

Working with Multi-Problem Families

Please read the following chapter in your text: Chapter 19: Multisystemic Therapy as a Strengths-Based Model for Working with Multiproblem FamiliesChapter 19 discusses multi-problem families using a multisystemic model. A review of Bronfenbrenners ecological model is discussed and applied to multi-problem family systems. The chapter concludes by discussing strengths- and …

Family Policy through a Human Rights Lens

Chapter 18 of your text reviewed social policies that focus on individuals and families across the domains of family formation and family care. It then analyzed family policy through a human rights lens and identified areas of injustice and inequality that families face. Finally, the chapter discussed the lack of …

Response paper

In this response paper, you will write a “close reading” (250-300 words) and critical analysis of selected passages.Include quotations from the text and interpret them. Write (4) substantive questions at the end of your response. Avoid generalizations, vague language, and extended personal reflections. Focus on analyzing the text and offering …


watch the film on Netflix : The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson and answer the following questions in a paragraph (8-10 sentences) each. Do not include the instruction or a heading or name in your paper. -What is the overall point/purpose/perspective/lesson of the film?-What are all of the …