Any topic (writer’s choice)

1.The title American vs Disney Stereotypes tells you what the artist is trying to be portray. In the textbook Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity, the author Brenda J. Allen says We often expect certain individuals to play certain roles based on a relationship between context and expectations. (Pg 2, Allen). …

Unit 7 Policy Impact Poverty

Please read directions throughly as this is a finals paper to be submitted. Its going to be based on Poverty You must use at minimum 3 scholarly resources for this policy paper. Wikipedia,, andother non-scholarly sources of information will not be accepted. If you are in doubt about thereliability …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Slides :

Lost sound, Lost language

create a PowerPoint presentation with as well as its importance against the backdrop of the content of the two films The Lost Sound and Not to Lose You My Language. As a consequence, English and Swedish monolinguals estimate how much time it takes for lines to lengthen across a …

African Great Apes

Assignment Directions Answer the following questions based on the reading from Chapter 5, the websites, and the gorilla video. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. You should …

women in culture book reflection

Women in Culture book reflection. Essay should be 5 pages, double-spaced, 12pt font, 1 inch margins, APA format. No additional outside research is required. Answer the following questions. Consider what ideas or themes stuck with you the most; did any readings keep returning to your memory as you read later …

Sex Trafficking

Research Inquiry paperFor this paper, rather than making an argument, I want you to ask a question(s). Making an argument oftentimes sets writers up to make or speak in absolutes, X is better than Y or if you engage in Z you are more likely to experience S, whereas a …


Final Essay:  Refugee witnessing brings a new perspective to the metanarrative of minorities and brings individual voices to be table.  It shifts the focus from whether the interviewees account is historically accurate to the meaning of the story and the nature of memory. During the course, we have had the …

Leadership Roles and Skills in Program Development

For this assignment, you will examine how leadership roles and skills, including building partnerships and community collaboration, impacts program planning, design, and development. Program design and planning include understanding the culture and values of organizations (nonprofit agencies). The various leadership roles and skills (human relations, communication, conflict resolution, etc.) needed …