Respond to one (1)) of the following prompts. Cite only sources used in our course using MLA format. Keep your essay formal and in the 3rd person.  Avoid using  “I think” or “I feel”.  Just state your point, substantiate the point with facts and cite the source using a diversity of our course sources.  Length: 5 pages, Works Cited does not count;  (one inch margins, double spaced).  Upload your essay right here in “Assignment” created in a Word document preferably.

Pick Whichever works best for you

1. The mobilization of the home front during WWII was unprecedented in American history.    Compose an essay which examines how the nation organized itself to wage war, especially in the context of economics, race and gender.  How did the national economy, race relations and womens roles change during the war?  What role did government play in this mobilization process?

2. The Great Depression of the 1930s was the worst economic depression in US history (the Great Recession of 2008 was second).  Policy makers have different economic models to consider for healthy economies or depressed economies (see attempted economic solutions for the European depression employed in the 1930s, fascism and communism).  Craft an essay which first paints a picture of the economic and social conditions that 10s of millions of Americans were forced to live in the decade (especially the early ’30s).  Then compare and contrast how Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt went about dealing with the Great Depression.  What fundamental economic principles influenced each president and cite examples of their policies.

    3. The 1920s are perhaps one of the most misunderstood decades of the 20th century.  They were referred to as the “roaring Twenties”—a decade of economic prosperity for all and equality and tolerance practiced by most. Compose an essay which deals with these myths.  Explain why economically, the root causes of the Great Depression can be found in the decade and why the Twenties were not prosperous for most Americans.  Socially, address why it could be considered a decade of intolerance?

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