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Course Reflective Creative Response: Infographic Response
Conflict will always be part of your lives. How you engage with conflict, approach it, and work with the tools and resources we have learned in this course can dramatically affect the success or failure we experience as leaders.
This assignment will encompass all the learning you have experienced throughout this course, synthesizing key insights and demonstrate research, analysis, and practical application.
This final assessment will be a reflective infographic or creative paper response to the prompt:
After taking LDRS 400 these ideas have changed the way I think about conflict and how I will engage conflict in the future
The project is an infographic or creative paper. You should capture as much of the learnings as possible to display in your final submission. Express those insights in as many ways as possible to produce a reference tool to guide your future conflicts.
As you research for this project: checking your notes, course content, and your previous papers/ forums to prepare your submission. Take notes; think about the prompt question. Provide a variety of references and examples to support your submission.
You will create 1 page to share your references.

Final reflection:
Include Communications, MVS, Crucial Accountability, Negotiations, and Culture.
Consider how faith shapes how you manage conflict.
Use images, shapes, charts, graphs, quotes, etc.
Use examples.
o Your goal should be to apply as much content as creatively possible.
o This does not have to be in APA formatting, but do cite your sources.

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