Working with Older Adults

MUST HAVE AN IMAGINATION, YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE UP OWN STORY (WITH FEW DETAILS THAT MUST BE INCLUDED). You will be writing a paper from my perspective about working with my grandmothers. This is a reflection paper that is apart of a project. In the project we worked with older adults (via zoom–COVID-19) and in the paper portion we are to reflect on what the experience has taught us. I am only needing the paper part.

I worked with BOTH my grandmothers and we visitied over ZOOM. We talked about their childhood and how the experieces they had then, shaped them to be the people they are today. (use this infomation to help in the paper). You are able to add or makeup anything else you want to make the process easier (get creative). In the paper;

Describe the tasks you completed during your service-learning experience, including both the training and visit portions. ( I will incorprorate the training portion into paper when completed).

Who were the older adults with whom you conducted virtual visits? Did you know them previously or not? Please do not use actual names, but do provide relevant information such as age, gender, relationship to you (if applicable) and a little bit about their current circumstances.

How did you select the activities you offered to the participants?

What is your sense of the degree of loneliness experienced by the participants you worked with (not at all to very much)? How has the pandemic affected their daily life and ability to have social connections?

What were your impressions of conducting visits virtually, and how did this format affect your experience? In your opinion, what are the benefits and/or drawbacks to virtual visits?

Describe your overall reactions, positive and negative, to your experience.
      -Describe any meaningful connections you made with older adults or share a story about one of your virtual visits.
        -Do you feel that you made a difference? How so?

What new skills or experiences did you gain from this project? How might they serve you in the future?

What was one major challenge you encountered and how did you resolve it?

Summarize the main points you made and any final comments/thought youd like to share.

If needed, I can provide more indepth instructions.

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