womens studies

Please limit the length of your contributions to a couple of paragraphs
it would be great if you could stay away from difficult words and phrases and keep everything simple since english is not my first language.
no references needed.

discussion # 1:

a.  What are the central arguments raised in the below readings?

b.  How do you find these readings? Do you like or dislike them, and why?
(Lorber, Judith. The Variety of Feminisms and their Contributions to Gender Equality. Bis, (1997): 7-43
Mukhopadhyay, M. (2016). Mainstreaming gender or streaming gender away: feminists marooned in the development business. In The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Development (pp. 77-91). Palgrave Macmillan, London. )

discussion # 2

a.  What are the central arguments raised in the below readings?

b.  How do you find these readings? Do you like or dislike them, and why?

(Beoku-Betts, Josephine, Contested Representations: Western Perceptions of African Women in the 19th and Early 20th Centuries.  In Andrea Cornwall. Readings in Gender in Africa. Indiana University Press.
Lewis Desiree, African Gender Research and Post-coloniality, In Signe Anfred (ed.), African Gender Scholarship: Concepts, Methodologies & Paradigms, CODESRIA Gender Series 1.)

Ground rules for the discussion:

1.Please use this discussion forum as an opportunity to learn more about the varied, complex and difficult issues. Students are required  to engage in a threaded discussion and do the followings:
2.Summarized the central arguments raised in each of the above readings,
3.Assess the reading’s strengths and weaknesses.
4.Devote a paragraph to each of the readings
6.Feel free to share personal stories and feelings; I do recognize that some of the themes addressed in this class could provoke some strong reactions/ emotions for some of you.
8.Please limit the length of your contributions to a couple of paragraphs in order to avoid speeches so that all students have an opportunity to participate.

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