What is Country Music

Written assignment #1 (14 points): Reflection paper: “What is Country Music”
Do not submit the assignment without having read and followed these instructions.
Word Count: 500-800 words (typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, Time New Roman 12-pt font)

In MUSIC 117 we examine various styles that fall under the rubric of “country music.” However, in order to understand how such musicians reflect their cultural identity through music, we must first attempt to understand what “country” music is. In this assignment you are to reflect broadly on the topic of country music based upon our discussion on day 1 in class. Your 2-page essay must include the following information:

    1) A brief summary of contrasting viewpoints on what country music is and what it is not.

    2) A self-reflexive (e.g. your own opinion) examination of what constitutes country music. What identities or ethnicities does it comprise? What does it sound like? What are distinguishing characteristics that separate country music from other American musics?

Each assignment will receive up to fifteen points as follows:

      (2) Punctuality __
      (2) Physical form  __
      (5) Content  __
      (3) Appropriate style __
      (3) Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and typing __
      (15) total  __

This table will be used in grading your assignment: you receive points for each requirement that you satisfy (or if you only partially satisfy it), making a possible total of fifteen points, which converts to 7% of your final grade. Without this table, your assignment will not be accepted! You must reproduce the above table at the top of your assignment. It will be used in grading, and without it your assignment will not be accepted. As with all assignments, please refer to the Assignments page for general standards and guidelines for writing.

I uploaded the first two assignment that provide some context on what country music is.

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