(Weighty Bodies): The Fat Body

It’s a reading presentation,
Students will be expected to present a concise summary of the weeks readings,

Big Handsome Men, Bears, and Others: Virtual Constructions of Fat Male Embodiment, p 57

The Epidemiology of Overweight and Obesity: Public Health Crisis or Moral Panic? online

Prince Fielders Demi Moore Moment: World Loses It Over Athlete Without Six-Pack, here: http://thebea.st/1xYLGrr (Links to an external site.)

Hey, Gabourey Sidibe: Hate Yourself Yet? online, here: http://bit.ly/1pRq7ps

Students will also be expected to give a 10-20 minute overview of the reading material in class using oral presentation methods (i.e., PowerPoint)(no pictures needed ).30 points

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