Week 2 Assignments

ARGUMENT: Social media does/does not foster closer social relationships, making interpersonal communication easier/more difficult.

STANCE: Social media does not foster closer social relationships.

For this assignment, you will continue to pre-write and plan for your argument research essay by applying pre-writing to your thesis from Week1 (revised as necessary according to instructor feedback and your own further thought). You will also construct a first draft of your full introduction paragraph, modeling what you have learned from your Week 2 lesson. Finally, you will provide a list of at least four scholarly sources in APA Style that represent an equal number of sources that support your stance and sources that oppose your stance. See the APA section in the Chamberlain Writing Center for correct referencing of scholarly sources.

Access the Week 2 Assignment Template and complete the four required sections:

Your Current Thesis
A Draft of Your Full Introduction Paragraph
List of Sources in APA Style (see the APA section in the Chamberlain Writing Center for correct referencing of scholarly sources)

Writing Requirements
APA format (see the APA section in the Chamberlain Writing Center for correct APA format)
Length: 2 to 3 pages (not including title page & reference page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page & Reference Page (see the APA section of the Chamberlain Writing Center)
Reference page (4 articles)

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