Video Summary

Alexander Street Videos
You may not use videos that are not on this list.
Choose 3 videos total. Do not exceed 3 hours of viewing time.
Each video must come from a different section on the list.
No two videos can be in the same category.
Example: One video from Ancient Civilizations one video from East one video from Renaissance/Reformation.
Ancient Civilizations
Archaeology and the Dead Sea Scrolls Dead Sea Scrolls (49 min.)
Come Together Ancient Worlds (51 min.)
Power Ancient Discoveries (50 min.)
Death and the Journey to Immortality Egypt Beyond the Pyramids (46 min.)
The Great Pharaoh and His Lost Children Egypt Beyond the Pyramids (44 min.)
Mansions of the Spirits Egypt Beyond the Pyramids (46 min.)
Empire of the Hittites In Search of the Trojan War (59 min.)
Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites: By the Rivers of Babylon Empires (55 min.)
Greece and Rome
The Age of Heroes In Search of the Trojan War (57 min.)
The Fall of Troy In Search of the Trojan War (58 min.)
Across the Hindu Kush The Footsteps of Alexander the Great (60 min.)
Lord of Asia In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (59 min.)
The Greek Thing Ancient Worlds (51 min.)
The Brainy Barbarians Terry Jones Barbarians (51 min.)
Warfare Ancient Discoveries (50 min.)
Revolution Rise and Fall of an Empire (52 min.)
Caesar Rise and Fall of an Empire (52 min.)
Dominion Rome: The Last Frontier (49 min.)
Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites: The Gifts of the Jews Empires (55 min.)
The Clash of the Gods Dark Ages: An Age of Light (59 min.)
Nero Rise and Fall of an Empire (52 min.)
Constantine Rise and Fall of an Empire (50 min.)
The Barbarian General Rise and Fall of an Empire (48 min.)
The Fall of Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (52 min.)
The End of the World Terry Jones Barbarians (52 min.)
Medieval Europe
What the Barbarians Did for Us The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (60 min.)
The Primitive Celts Terry Jones Barbarians (49 min.)
Vikings Episode 2 (50 min.)
Conquest The Normans (52 min.)
The Wonders of Islam The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (59 min.)
Domesday The Normans (51 min.)
Heartlands In Search of Medieval Britain (29 min.)
The Invaders The Normans (51 min.)
Invasion Invasion Invasion Jerusalem: Making of a Holy City (50 min.)
Joan of Arc: Virgin Warrior Biography (44 min.)
Prince Henry VIII: The Mind of a Tyrant (48 min.)
London and the South East In Search of Medieval Britain (29 min.)
Nostradamus: Prophet of Doom Biography (43 min.)
The Skin of Our Teeth Civilisation (50 min.)
778 La Chanson de Roland (53 min.)
Apocalypse in Renaissance (58 min.)
Body and Soul in Renaissance (59 min.)
Brave New World Time Travelers Guide to Elizabethan England (49 min.)
Common People Time Travelers Guide to Elizabethan England (50 min.)
The End of the Renaissance Renaissance (58 min.)
The Hero as Artist Civilisation (49 min.)
Light and Liberty Renaissance (59 min.)
Medici: The Medici Popes Empires (55 min.)
Grandeur and Obedience Civilisation (48 min.)
The Age of Discovery
Maps of the Great Explorers Part 1 (27 min.)
Maps of the Great Explorers Part 2 (26 min.)
The Real Pirates of the Caribbean Biography (45 min.)
Eastern Civilizations
1421 The Year China Discovered America (60 min.)
Beginnings Story of India (54 min.)
Ages of Gold Story of India (54 min.)
The Power of Ideas The Story of India (54 min.)
The Meeting of Two Oceans The Story of India (54 min.)
Spice Routes and Silk Roads The Story of India (54 min.)
Taj Mahal Ancient Voices (49 min.)
Barbarians at the Gate Beijing: Biography of an Imperial Capital (50 min.)
Center of the Cosmos Beijing: Biography of an Imperial Capital (50 min.)
Emperors Conquerors and Rebels Beijing: Biography of an Imperial Capital (50 min.)
Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed Ep. 1 (24 min.)
Genghis Khan: Terror and Conquest Biography (45 min.)
Video Summary
Student Name
Course ID
Date of Submission
Video Summary
Video #1 Title Only
Indent every paragraph inch. Double space the text. The first paragraph will be a summary of the video written in third person and detailing the main argument of the video and summarizing the key points and details that stood out. This paragraph should be unified and clear should be well-written and should not exceed 250 words.
The second paragraph is a reflection. This can be written in first person and should provide an analysis of the video. Tell what you learned from watching the video its strengths/weaknesses consider its usefulness in the study of history and detail whether you would recommend it to others and why. This paragraph should also not exceed 250 words.
Video #2 Title Only
Indent every paragraph inch. Double space the text. The first paragraph will be a summary of the video written in third person and detailing the main argument of the video and summarizing the key points and details that stood out. This paragraph should be unified and clear should be well-written and should not exceed 250 words.
The second paragraph is a reflection. This can be written in first person and should provide an analysis of the video. Tell what you learned from watching the video its strengths/weaknesses consider its usefulness in the study of history and detail whether you would recommend it to others and why. This paragraph should also not exceed 250 words.
Video #3 Title Only
Indent every paragraph inch. Double space the text. The first paragraph will be a summary of the video written in third person and detailing the main argument of the video and summarizing the key points and details that stood out. This paragraph should be unified and clear should be well-written and should not exceed 250 words.
The second paragraph is a reflection. This can be written in first person and should provide an analysis of the video. Tell what you learned from watching the video its strengths/weaknesses consider its usefulness in the study of history and detail whether you would recommend it to others and why. This paragraph should also not exceed 250 words.
On this final page list out the three videos that you watched in alphabetic order making sure to follow current Turabian guidelines. Visit Libertys Online Writing Center for assistance and guidelines on proper Turabian citation for videos. All bibliographic information needed for each video can be found on the Alexander Street website but you may have to rearrange the information to fit the Turabian format guidelines.
Video Summary Instructions
Reinforce learning outcomes for competency in Information Literacy. Students will be able to:
Conduct research for specific items in the Jerry Falwell Library.
Collect and evaluate the sources found
Access and use information legally and ethically using discipline-specific practices for citation.
Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
Introduce the process of identifying and locating sources
Choose three videos from the Alexander Street Videos list to view and analyze.
Each video must be chosen from a different category on the list and no 2 videos can be from the same category. For example:
You could choose 1 from Ancient Civilizations 1 from Medieval Europe and 1 from Eastern Civilizations.
Write an essay consisting of a properly formatted title page body and bibliography page. Follow the most up to date Turabian guidelines using the resources at the Liberty Online Writing Center and the citation tools on the Alexander Street website for guidance.
Before submission review the Video Summary Example to ensure that you have followed the required formatting guidelines.
Open the Jerry Falwell Library website.
Open Collections and click on Electronic Databases. Search Databases by subject history.
Open World History in Video and search for your chosen videos by title. Note that some videos may have similar titles so also use the series information provided to find the correct video.
Take down the bibliographic information for each video before starting it. You can find bibliographic information and formatting on the page look for cite or citation. Please note that Chicago Manual of Style is the same as Turabian. Your paper will be graded using this format and it will lose significant points if you do not follow this standard.
Take notes on the video as you watch. Avoid long quotations most of your supporting information should be summarized/paraphrased.
Writing Process:
Write two paragraphs for each video. The first a summary second a reflection. Each paragraph should be a minimum of 100 words and should not exceed 250 words.
Summary: include a clear explanation of the purpose of the video (main argument) as well as the main points and key details of the presentation. This will be informative in nature. Write in third person (he she it they them etc.) Do not include direct quotes in this portion.
Reflection: provide your response to the video. Focus on what you learned from watching the video its strengths/weaknesses and whether or not you would recommend the video to others and why. Write in first or third person (I you me we us etc.). Direct quotes are acceptable in this portion but only use them if necessary to make your point.
Separate each summary/reflection set with a subheading of the title of the video. See Video Summary Example.
Before submission review Grading Rubric to make sure that your paper meets all the formatting and content requirements.
Grammar Guidelines within the Additional Information folder in Course Guides is a good resource for checking your paper for basic grammatical errors.
Submit your Word document through the assignment link in Blackboard before the deadline.

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