Video Response

Snapshots Videos: LD
Video Response Form
4 points

Instructions for Activities A-C: Answer all of the questions below.  Make sure to use the texts and class materials to support your answers.  Include intext citation and a single reference page in APA style (0.75 points) for all vignettes.
A.    Jamaal (0.75 points)
1.    What are Jamaals classroom weaknesses related to the LD characteristics presented in this class?
2.    What are his strengths?
3.    What instructional accommodations would you suggest for Jamaal?

B.    Bridget (0.75 points)
1.    Would you say that Bridget has an internal or external locus of control?  Justify your answer with examples.
2.    What do you think Bridget will need to be successful in college?

C.    Steve (0.75 points)
1.    Why wasnt Steves LD diagnosed at some point in his educational career, in your opinions?
2.    Which of the negative effects of LD on social and emotional well-being does Steve exhibit?

D.  Writing Annual Goals: Give it a Try! (1 point)
1.    Every IEP includes several annual goals chosen and shaped by the IEP team.  Review the IEP Process PowerPoint lecture notes.  Also review Figure 2.1 on page 39 of the Heward et al. text.
2.    Based on this information given in the Snapshots video, write one measurable annual goal for one individual in the video, making sure that it meets the criteria reviewed above in #1 AND meets the legal requirement specified in IDEA:
(II) a statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals, designed to–
(aa) meet the child’s needs that result from the child’s disability to enable the child to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum; and
(bb) meet each of the child’s other educational needs that result from the child’s disability (IDEA 2004).

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