the synthesis of the four functions of management

If able, my paper needs to be converted into a  Power Point presentation, or at least similar to a slide show. You will describe how the four functions of management relate to each other: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Using the company, 1-800-Flowers, (file attached), please construct a
slide deck that traces the organizations progress through the POLC functions. Assignment Checklist: 1. Describe how the four functions of management relate to each other. 2. Introduce your company and its mission. 3. Keeping in mind the organization’s mission, identify one strategic goal and trace that goal through the
tactical and operational levels of planning with one specific example at each level. 4. Specify the appropriate person in the organization responsible for managing the goals at each level
(organizing function) as well as what forms of power would be most useful in each level (leading
function). 5. Describe at least one formal control that would aid in evaluating progress toward the operational goal
you identified. Be sure to mention how you would measure the control. Thank you!

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