The importance of stairs in films

[The Topic is The importance of stair in films]
[write the essay based on the instruction and the powerpoint file]
[powerpoint file is attached ]


Develop an interesting, informative, and engaging 1) article written in the typical length and style for ArchDaily, one of the leading on-line publications 2) PowerPoint.

See our prior co-authored ArchDaily publications with course alumni as models listed in our course outline. Note that each featured carefully selected, captioned, and properly credited illustrations including original infographics developed especially for ArchDaily.

Your topic must be exciting, original, timely, and significant to capture an editors attention and make a convincing case that readers would find of interest i.e. not just a typical project completed for a class. The selection of your topic is the most important decision you make so please consider it carefully.  (See some possible topics below.)

Be sure to provide an analysis rather than just a description or summary. Many class presentations can all too often fall into the descriptive category but you need to go well beyond this for this final assignment.

A summary tells us what is happening and describes it in general terms.  A description notes statements and details but does not make an argument.

By contrast, an analysis asks and answers how evidence functions to support or demonstrate your argument for example using analytical points to make an arguable claim about culture, practice, belief, etc. An analysis involves breaking down a topic into smaller parts, perhaps identifying strengths and weaknesses and how they affect your argument, addressing opposing points of view etc. It may include examination, exploration, comparison, inference, evaluation, judgment, prediction, hypotheses, generalization, or application.  Note that our prior ArchDaily publications are analytical, not simply descriptive.

Make it all come to life through short video clips, freeze frames, catchy illustrations with informative captions, etc.

Build upon the feedback you received and the feedback you delivered to your classmates all semester long to raise the bar on your presentation.

Identify and properly credit all your sources including any illustrations that are not your own. This is essential for any publication otherwise subject to copyright infringement and lawsuits so please be careful.

Draw upon prior course readings as a guide to approach. Expand upon it with a bibliography of additional sources that you have read, drawn from chapter references, course readings, film critics reviews, and elsewhere. Include this bibliography in your Powerpoint, handout, and exhibit board.

Engage the class in selected discussion questions listed at the end of your PPT presentation.

Some ideas you may wish to investigate:

a particular theme or element of design/architecture across several films and how it combines architecture, environment, and behavior.  Some examples we discussed include:  the role of stairways, doorways, windows, towers, turrets, attics, cellars, restrooms, hotel lobbies, elevators, etc – if you can make it fit the criteria aboveperhaps tie in with murder scenes, pivotal turns in the plot, etc.

an extension and further examination of a prior project that you have explored in class if so, go into much more depth, detail and analysis.

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