The burden of labor

ESSAY  DUE on the day of the final exam- your essay should be a min. of 7 pages- typed, double-spaced, 12 font Times New Roman (and do not take up a paragraph space for your heading). Lastly, the works cited page is never included for the minimum page requirement. References/citations (5) should be consistent all the way through whether it be Chicago, Harvard Style, MLA, APA, etc. format just make sure it is a consistent format throughout the paper.

Prompt: The burden of labor: Is work a necessity? Why do people have to work: is that duty, a socially acceptable behavior, or a natural predisposition? The subject of sociology tries to understand the nature of the social order and the place of a human in it. While the majority of people have to work to ensure their living, others claim that labor is a burden that makes a negative impact on a person, leaving no time for rest and creation. Take future realities of automation into consideration as well

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