“The Aristocrats: The Graphic Arts of Game of Thrones” Activity

The Aristocrats: The Graphic Arts of Thrones  (Story One)

1.    What seems to be Nussbaums opinion of Game of Thrones? Give examples to show how you know?

2.    What is the signified and signifier in the last paragraph on page 276?

3.    What does she mean by a patriarchal subculture? What is her view on a patriarchal subculture?

4.    What does Nussbaum mean in the last line of the article?

5.    Do you agree or disagree with her views on a patriarchal subculture in Media? Why? Why Not? Examples?

6.    Is Game of Thrones a mirror showing our culture as patriarchal? Why/Why not? Explain. Examples

The One Paradigm to Rule Them All: Scientism and The Big Bang Theory (Story Two)

1.    What are 4 points Piglucci makes about science?

2.    What is the claim of the article? What in the article makes you think this?

3.    Does the show The Big Bang Theory have a significant role in the article? Explain

4.    What is the role of the show to the article?

5.    Do agree or disagree with any of his views about science? Explain

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