Student Athletes Challenges

The essay was complete but needs to be revised with the comments.

This was the grading Question fro a peer-reviewed.

1) Is the problem clearly related to the article?
– Response 1: I think I’m a little confused about where the news article is worked into the paper. It looks like from your references, they are all journals or scholarly articles rather than working off an initial story or news article relating to your topic. I might suggest making it more clear where your article lies.

Response 2) Is the historical context clearly connected to the problem?
I would suggest focusing more on the historical context of athletics in general as it relates to the institutions as opposed to the neglected aspect. I think those are important points but I would start by outlining historical issues in athletics first!

Response 3) Does the data clearly prove that this is a “real” problem?
I would have liked to see more quantitative numbers and statistics related to the issue. Are student-athletes unhappy? Are they reporting issues? Have institutions done research or gathered data on this? Those were the main questions that came to mind when reading.

Comments 2

Is the problem clearly related to the article?

Due to your large topic of challenges for student-athletes in higher education, it is somewhat difficult to pinpoint the direct problem in which you are addressing through this paper. But, while reading I can view some trends of discussion such as academics, athleticism, social life, and lack of self-esteem.

Is the historical context clearly connected to the problem?

The historical context is stated in the paper relating to the inequitable system that student athletics are placed within higher education. I would like to see a connection to the history/purpose/foundation of collegiate sports and collegiate athletics today.

Does the data clearly prove that this is a “real” problem?

The data is presented/stated in multiple student views and research collection by authors such as Qurban, Wang, Siddique, Morris, & Qiao, NCAA, and more. I would like to see more statics and numbers, therefore, the reader can understand the problem on a numerical scale.

My essay is title “literature Review”
I attached the directions from the instructor which are titles part 1 and part 2

I attached other articles

Lucas text Link

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