Short Discussion

A newspaper article recently reported the results of a poll taken in Florida reflecting views on Climate Change.  The results were interesting with some clear distinctions among the demographic groups who responded to this poll (taken the first week of April by telephone with people who have land lines).

For your final discussion of the semester, read the newspaper article below and answer the questions below.  The survey does show that substantial groups of Floridians feel that Climate Change is important, but there are notable differences among sub-groups. We know from previous research that younger generations tend to see Climate Change and Environmental Issues as more important than older individuals do and this poll reflects that finding as well.


(1)  Why do you think differences exist between regional groups of respondents, and what might be a strategy to convince those in regions that do not see climate change as being as critically important?

(2)  Why do you think differences exist between respondents based on political affiliation, and what might be a strategy to convince those who are not in favor of taking action to mitigate climate change that some action is critically important?

(3)  Why do you think differences exist between age cohorts of respondents, and what might be a strategy to convince those in older age groups who do not see climate change as being as critically important?

(4)  Is there an overall strategy that might convince the leaders of the state and nation that action to protect the environment is needed?  Yes or No.  Explain.

Remember – This discussion is worth 8 points, so please be certain your work is complete. Make an original post of 300 words (addressing all questions–number your answers 1 through 4)

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