See instructions

In groups of 4 you will be writing an 8 – 10 page term paper (typed, double spaced, 12pt. font, Times New Roman, 1 margins) in which you do a content analysis of one television show that depicts crime as a main theme.  You will each watch a minimum of 2 hours each (different episodes of the same show) of your program and analyze the show relating it to theories and concepts we have learned in this course. You will write your paper using the following format (please title each section with the corresponding heading).  Please proofread your paper.

I have been assigned introduction (see below). We decided to watch Mindhunters.

Introduction This section is a paragraph giving a broad description of the project.  This is NOT where you tell me what show you watched.  This paragraph should be a general explanation of how crime is depicted in the media, and what theory(ies) you are applying to your analysis.

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