Risk Management

Topic Identification and Annotated Bibliography
For this assignment, you will choose an topic related to human capital and the COVID-19 pandemic. Example topics include:

The increase in telework (remote work) and the challenges and opportunities this presents for hiring, managing, and engaging the workforce.
The legal and ethical implications of making workplace accommodations for high risk employees.
Navigated a reduction-in-force or furloughs in light of economic pressures during the pandemic.
Ensuring the safety and security of employees as they return to the workplace.
Implementing new (and modifying existing) human capital-related policies in light of new (and quickly evolving) legislation, such as Families First Coronavirus Response Act or the Paycheck Protection Program.
You are welcome to choose another topic – the list above are just examples to get you thinking. Feel free to ask for my input and feedback as you decide on a topic.

Once you’ve identified a topic, begin to conduct research. You’ll want to find and review at least five value-added sources. Given the recent nature of the pandemic, you may not find much peer-reviewed, academic research, but please do include academic research if you research uncovers any relevant sources. Some ideas of research include the following sources:

The Society for Human Resource Management, including HR Magazine (which you can find online library using Business Source Complete)
HR new sources, including:
HR Dive
HR Morning
Chief Learning Officer
HR blogs, including:
HR bartender
The Chief Happiness Officer
The Employer Handbook
The COVID-specific pages of federal government agencies such as:
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Department of Labor
Media sources, such as AP, NPR, Wall Street Journal (Try to review a variety of sources to obtain a balanced perspective).
To submit your topic and annotated bibliography, please do the following:

Clearly indicate you topic or question at the top of your submission. This can be written as a statement or a question.

For each of your five sources, provide me with

the citation for the source (in either APA or MLA format – choose one and use it consistently)
a one-paragraph description of how the article helps you to understand the topic and why it is relevant

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