Rhetorical Reading Analysis

Please follow the guidelines for Assignment Option 3, Rhetorical Reading Analysis, pgs. 501 – 503.  You will need to select a text to use as the foundation for your analysis.  This should be an essay from Writing About Writing, and it should be a new text (not one that you have already written about). 
The book provides a very detailed description of the purpose and process of writing this essay.
Your final product should be between 1500  and 1800 words (more or less 5 to 6 pages).
Please follow APA Guidelines for formatting your paper.  They are described on the OWL, here.
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You may cite your sources using either MLA or APA.  Please refer to the OWL for specific formatting guidelines.
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Make sure you have an introduction that makes clear the purpose of the paper.
Make sure you conclude the paper effectively.
You should include references to at least three sources:
The text you have selected as your foundation.
Include references to Downs and at least one other source (either from our textbook or from the SVSU library databases).
Be sure to include in-text citations as well as a Works Cited (if using MLA) or Reference (if using APA) page with all of your sources listed.

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