
Complete a web search of online speech/language resources and assessment information available for parents, teachers, and clinicians. Prepare an annotated list of your findings. Select ten sites and include the name of the website, the web address, and a brief description of the resources the site offers.

You will need at least 10 resources.


10 or more reputable, applicable resources with at one well written paragraphs for the description of each resource = 10 points (10 sources, 10 paragraphs)
7 reputable, applicable resources with at least one paragraph description for each source = 7 points;
5 reputable, applicable resources with at least one paragraph description for each source = 5 points;
less than 5 resources = 0 points; less than 5 paragraph descriptions = 0 points
If descriptive paragraph is missing, only half credit for each resource will be given
If URL does not work, no credit will be given for that resource

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