research paper that looks at some specific policy area, and compares two countries in how they deal with this area of public policy.

You will need to write a research paper that looks at some specific policy area and compares two countries in how they deal with this area of public policy.  Examples of acceptable topics include comparing abortion policy, health care policy, housing, education, etc.

Your research should consist of a minimum of eight academic sources, including books, and scholarly journal articles, newspaper articles, and magazine articles. The final paper must be a minimum of five typed pages, double-spaced, and in a normal 12 point font. Your research should be cited within the paper itself using standard MLA format and all sources should be included in a Works Cited page, also in MLA format, at the end of the paper.

Please note the following: Your paper is to be a scholarly analytical research paper that contains a firm thesis or research question and employs systematic argument, evidence, and analysis in support of your thesis. You are not writing an opinion piece and you are not blogging. You are expected to use MLA format for footnotes, or endnotes, and bibliography. Your bibliography should be drawn primarily from scholarly books, journals, articles, and chapters, not journalistic or non-academic online resources.

{{{{{ I suggest doing something related to education or Health care}}}} or if you have any other ideas please let me know.

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