Report on Improving Innovation Activities

Assignment: Report on Improving Innovation Activities
The purpose of this report is to explore how an organisation can improve its innovation potential.  You are required to conduct research into a named organisation which should include a completed audit questionnaire of the existing activities in the company using Bessants Innovation Fitness Test model.
In the Report, you should identify where and how the organisation can improve its innovative activities, focusing on areas where there are gaps and there are areas for potential improvement i.e. where the organisation does not currently achieve the ideal or highest score for each dimension.
Your Report should include:
    Types of initiatives and activities that the organisation should consider to improve its innovation-related activities in the different dimensions (as appropriate): Strategy; Linkages; Innovative Organization; Learning; Processes
    Evidence for the usefulness and impacts of these types of activities (references from studies/literature
    Interesting and appropriate examples organisations that have adopted these practices
    An understanding of the context of the organisation its industry.
Havard referencing
    Include a title page with the module title and module code, assignment question and your student number.
    The word count for the assessment is 3,000 words, +/- 10%.  This word count includes any appendices (which you should not need to any extent) but excludes the words in the reference list. 

Basic Details
    3,000 words (+/- 10%)
    You need to provide a reference list at the end (not a bibliography)
    You can use diagrams and tables but they must be discussed and critiqued in the discussion

Themes and issues to address in the assignment
    Types of initiatives and activities that the organisation should consider to improve its innovation-related activities in the different dimensions (as appropriate): Strategy; Linkages; Innovative Organization; Learning; Processes
    Evidence for the usefulness and impacts of these types of activities (references from studies/literature
    Interesting and appropriate examples organisations that have adopted these practices
    An understanding of the context of the organisation its industry.

How to structure this assignment?
1.    Executive summary (300 words)
This session is the summary of the assignment, with highlight of aims and key issues. You can also define key terms to avoid ambiguities.

2.    Main body Company XX innovation study (2100 words)
–    2.1 Company overview
–    2.2 Method and results
–    2.3 Dimensions of innovation

Note: You should engage with literature in the main body
    Need to demonstrate an in-depth study of the topic has been undertaken
    Range of sources include books, journal articles, business news articles
    A range of industry sectors have been looked at
    Up to date sources (2015 – 2019) have been used as well as past research

3.    Critical reflection (300 words)
Critical reflection lessons from the assignment Description
    Action plan

4.    conclusions/recommendations (300 words)
    Remind the reader of the purpose of the assignment
    Summarize what you have discussed/ implications of your discussion
    Indicate future research/ application

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