reflection letter

the coursework has made it more convenient to recall the reasoning from authors and how they structured their arguments, and I have put the same into practice for my writing endeavors. I concur that the writing process needs to be facilitated by proper reading, and I have learned this from this course.
            A rhetorical analysis was a concept lost on me until this course enlightened me to this writing technique. Considerably, most readers interact with readings unaware of how the author goes about supporting their point of view. I struggled with this concept myself but later realized that I engage in the same concept whenever I present essays and articles to my examiner. Ideally, sourcing the argument and stipulating evidence to support it is fundamental to any form of writing. I now have a better grasp of identifying the tone, technique, and appeals an author makes to their audience in any material presented. I can write by drawing on the thesis and supporting arguments made by the author to illustrate the ideas they envisioned to influence the audience to engage in their perspective. I believe that rhetorical analysis is strategic to any budding writer and is academically essential considering how improved my writing has become from learning this particular writing approach.
            The difficulty of writing is laid out from the beginning, and the thesis has been the foundation of any form of writing. I always viewed the introduction as an essential component of writing but failed to notice the concluding sentences as an independent component that defines the opening statements. The thesis of any essay or article is crucial as it provides the reader with the authors opinion, argument and creates anticipation of what the reader should expect. This class has helped me understand how to create an informative and comprehensive thesis to improve my introduction paragraph and capture the intent of my essay concisely. However, the most effective writing strategy I have encountered is how to use sources and an annotated bibliography. JUST CARRY ON WITH THE DOCUMENT BELOW

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