Refer to notes

This week you will be using all the knowledge and information you have learned from writing the various sections of a research paper since week 2.

Please choose one of the three journal articles; change the  population/patient demographics and the study design, and use the article as a template to write your own original research paper on your topic of interest.

Please write an 8-to-10 page paper (excluding the title page and reference page(s)) using APA 6th Edition Format and Style, including the following:

Statement of Problem
Research Question – state the research question in
PICOT format or
state the research question with a corresponding Null Hypothesis
Choose your study design and briefly explain your reason for your choice
Discuss which data you would collect, and how you would collect it
Discuss how you would analyze the data
Discuss how you you would disseminate the results of your study
Please remember to include at least three (3) references in your paper

Cabral Pinto, M., Marinho-Reis, P., Almeida, A., Pinto, E., Neves, O., Incio, M., … & Moreira, P. I. (2019). Links between cognitive status and trace element levels in hair for an environmentally exposed population: A case study in the surroundings of the estarreja industrial area. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(22), 4560.

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