Read and analyze the five poems in this week’s module. Then write a paragraph of at least 600 words on how the five poems summarize the lifespan of a person.

Read and analyze the five poems in this week’s module. Then write a paragraph of at least 600 words on how the five poems summarize the lifespan of a person.

Your first sentence will be, The five poems in this week’s module summarize the lifespan of a human being. Support this claim with several details (words, phrases, lines, metaphors, similies, and images) from each poem.

Childhood – “Fern Hill” by Dylan Thomas

Young Adulthood to Adulthood – “Pioneers! O Pioneers!” by Walt Whitman

Old Age – “Ulysse” by Alfred Lloyd Tennyson

Death Bed – “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night” by Dylan Thomas

Death – “This Compost” by Walt Whitman

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