Quote Analysis Prompt 5-6

1. Please pick one quote from the reading and part of the text assigned to you (list below).

    Excerpts from Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Chishtis Mirror of Secrets

    “He did not let the principle of moderation out of his sight, and thus did not invite divine wrath.” (Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Chishti, para. 5)

    Christopher Columbus, Letter to Ferdinand and Isabella

    “As far as I have learned, every man throughout these islands is united to but one wife, with the exception of the kings and princes, who are allowed to have twenty: the women seem to work more than the men” (Columbus, para. 9).

2. Please include this quote in your post in quotation marks and offer a simple in-text citation.

3. Please offer a ~200-300words analysis of the quote, reflecting on its rhetorical context, how it is connected to the whole text itself, the lectures, and the other readings/excerpts from this week.

4. Once you have posted your analysis, please respond to at least one other post using the 3C+Q model and include at least three elements of the model in your answer. This model stands for:

    1. Compliment: Constructiveness is key.  Compliment your friend on something they wrote that
        you particularly liked: Great/excellent reading of, “I really liked how/that

    2. Comment: Engage and reflect on your friends post.  You can agree or politely disagree with
        their statement: I agree that because or I can see how that could be read in this way;
        however, I think that because

    3. Connection: Connect what your friend shared to something you wrote, to the lectures, or the
        readings: This also ties really well into

    4. Question: Ask a specific question about the post to keep the conversation going.  I wonder if
        this could also suggest Could this be also related to?  This could perhaps

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