
1.    Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomena: In a tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) state, you have a very strong impression that you do know the word you want to say, but you are unable to say the word. However, there is some information about the word (first phoneme, number of syllables, etc.) that you may be able to say during the state.
1.    Describe a recent TOT experience that you or someone you know had recently.
i.    What was the word that was temporarily inaccessible?
ii.    Was there anything about the word that you or the person was able to describe while in the TOT state (and you/they still couldn’t say the word despite saying this information)?
iii.    If yes, what was the information? If no, is this what usually happens with you/that person during a TOT?
iv.    Was the semantic representation of the word activated or its phonological form? How do you know?
2.    Based on that particular situation, do you think it is likely you/they will have a TOT for that word again? Why or why not?
Think of this paper as a blog post.  You do not need to write an introduction or conclusion for the topic you choose to write about. Be straightforward and thorough. Just answer the questions I ask you. However, keep the following structure in mind as you write your reflection:

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