Psychological Theory

Select a psychological theory you are familiar with. Make sure to find a source for the theory that you can refer to and cite.

With this theory in mind, explain:

1. the basic theory,
2. why this is a theory and not a hypothesis, law or model,
3. the type of explanation the theory provides (mechanistic vs. functional) and why,
4. the classification of  the theory (quantitative or qualitative) and why,
5. at what level of description the theory operates (descriptive, analogical or fundamental), and
6. the theorys domain.

What is the relationship between theory and research?

How can a researcher use theory to guide the design of their study and/or interpretation of results?

Finally, explain if this theory is a good theory using the criteria in your textbook. Attached is the book. Chapter 2 is used for the answer of this question

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