Project planning Scope/Work breakdown structure

Develop the scope for your project including all required sections. Make this a stand-alone document. In APA format, write a critical analysis of your scope. (2 pages  max)  Write no more than a couple of paragraphs to introduce your project. Then provide a critical analysis, e.g., What did you learn? What are the lessons from developing the scope?

Construct a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for your PP. Determine the tasks and activities required to conduct and complete your selected project. Develop a WBS, in outline form for each task and activity. Ensure you use a code of accounts, as defined in PMBOK. Additionally, explain the WBS in one or two paragraphs. Provide a critical analysis of your WBS, e.g., What are the lessons from developing the WBS? Did it teach you something about the scope?  Use MS Project Professional 2016 to assist in creating the WBS. Please note: Whether using MS Project, MS Excel, or other spreadsheets, copy and paste the WBS into the MS Word document Develop the WBS down several levels. Not all levels have to go to the same depth. 

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