Power Point Outline

Hello! I need a power point completed. I just need it out line on what should go on the power point. Please let me know if you are able to complete it. Its not hard.

(Non-profit: Hope haven children advocacy center)

Understanding Community and Organizational Problems

Assignment Overview

In your work as a human services leader for an organization, you will often be called upon to make presentations to stakeholders, such as a board of directors, to secure funding or support, or propose partnerships. In any of those situations, you will want to be fully prepared with a well-researched statement of the problem, an analysis of the community affected, and identification of the key partners that can be engaged in finding a solution. Think about what you would be looking for as an audience member for this kind of presentation and what would make the message engaging and sticky.


In the u01d1 discussion, you selected your topic for your course project: an event or situation requiring social justice intervention that demands collaborative relationships among business, government, religious, and nonprofit organizations in a community. This can be a real past event, current situation, or a hypothetical case (such as a natural disaster, a community crisis situation, or a significant need identified for a community).

For this assignment, create an engaging and professional 47 minute oral presentation, using PowerPoint (or similar software) and Kaltura (or similar software) for audio, that addresses the following:

Present your chosen event (or situation, condition, problem, need, opportunity, or risk).
Define at least five key terms that describe the scope and essence of the problem.
Explain the target population and its human service needs.
Describe the diversity and cultural considerations that will be important for serving this population.
Develop strategies for authentic engagement with this population.
Assess the community capacity and assets, including patterns of influence, control, and relevant historical and contextual information.
Present a macro environment for the problem by identifying at least three agencies or organizations involved in the social justice intervention.
Explain the role of each organization and describe patterns of influence, control, and service delivery.
Identify collaboration, negotiation, and mediation needs in the macro environment.
Identify potential plans for positive community impact through the collaboration of business, government, religious, and nonprofit sectors.
Submission Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA style: Use APA style in citations and references. Include a References slide at the end of the presentation.
References: Use 34 scholarly resources.
Length: Narrated presentation should be no more than 47 minutes.
Presentation deck: Presentation deck should include no more than 810 slides, with only key ideas or bullets on the slides and full elaboration in the detailed speakers notes.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, of an appropriate size and weight for a presentation (generally 2428 points for headings and no smaller than 18 points for bullet-point text).
ADA compliance: As part of the Kaltura tool, closed captioning will be generated for your presentation within 24 hours after you submit it, to make your presentation ADA compliant. If you choose to use a different software than Kaltura for this presentation, you are responsible for creating and submitting a transcript for your presentation instead.

Refer to the Understanding Community and Organizational Problems Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assignment. (Can provide this to you)

Note that you will exchange your presentation with your peers in a Unit 4 discussion.

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