power of language

For Jimmy Baca and Frederick Douglass, events of childhood and youth are particularly important. Using specific evidence from each text (APA-style), compare how these two writers viewed events when they were young. How did they present their younger selves or viewpoints, and how did they connect any childhood experience to adult knowledge, insight, and intelligence?

Paragraph #1) Introductory paragraph (Summarize BOTH readings): Please close with your thesis*

Paragraph #2) Open w/ an Establishing Sentence on “Coming into Language” Follow the Hamburglar method to introduce your highlighted passage.

Paragraph #3) Transition into another highlighted passage Baca wrote that sparked a nerve in you. Follow the Hamburglar method again to show us why.

Paragraph #4)  Open w/ another Establishing Sentence on “Learning to Read and Write.” Follow the Hamburglar method to introduce your highlighted passage.

Paragraph #5)  Transition into another highlighted passage Baca wrote that sparked a nerve in you. Follow the Hamburglar method again to show us why.

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