PIPEDAs Impact on Privacy

PIPEDA’s Impact on Privacy:. A review of the impact that the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, or PIPEDA has had on businesses. Are companies actually improving their processes around privacy, or is PIPEDA merely another check-box of things to do? Specifications for the report: 16-20 pages (Note: title page, references and bibliography do not count towards your page count.) Double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins between the paper edge and the main text blocks. Page numbers should appear on every pageThe report should consist of several sections: An introduction, in which you frame the problem/topic that you have considered. An extensive literature review in which the previous work that has been done in this area is presented. A discussion, in which the work that has been done is evaluated and present a novel analysis of the problem. An analysis of what future work might be useful in this area, and specific recommendations for how that work could be accomplished. A conclusion. The topic synopsis is like a Single page with an overview of the topic, the questions that will be addressed and how you plan to address in the report. The attached documents is what I have been able to come up with.

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