PICO Question

1-Create a PICO(T) question that is researchable and grammatically correct, written in your own words, in APA format.
2-Use the PICO format, as outlined in Melynk, Chapter 2.
3-This paper should be in a narrative format with headings, paragraphs, and no bullets.
4-Write a two-page paper with a brief introduction and/or background introducing your PICO(T) question.
5-You will be required to cite three to five primary research articles with this paper.
6-End this paper with a paragraph of your own thoughts about how your topic is linked to nursing. Include reference citations, as appropriate, in APA style no longer than two pages of text (reference and title page are not counted as text pages).

1-PICO Question: Correct Format, Researchable, Specific, Succinct, Written in Your Own Words as a Grammatically Correct and APA-Formatted Question
10.0 pts
2-Elements of the P-I-C-O (T) Listed and Identified
5.0 pts
3-Introduction and Background, and Clear Link to Nursing Practice in APA Format
10.0 pts
4-Reference List of Three to Five Primary, Peer Reviewed Research Articles in APA Format, Including Copies of Articles
5.0 pts
4-Neatness/Presentation (Correct Grammar and Style, Typed, 12-Point Font, Times New Roman, APA Format)


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