
Question 2:
is related to ADME pharmacology subject

in part A I need 3 metabolic pathways of the molecule in the question. and what are the enzymes family of each pathway with a draw of the possible product. 3 small paragraphs are needed in this part.

some notes in this part:

I have found 2 metabolic pathways
Aromatic oxidation adding [OH] in the aromatic ring. the enzyme family is cytochrome p450

Dehalogenation is removal of chiorine in aromatic ring the enzyme family is cytochrome p450

part B:
Definitions of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) and Lipinskis rule of 5

which class of the drug molecule belongs to and explain why?

in the drug there are lipophilic groups that can permeate the membrane and is not soluble in aqueous mediums. therefore, the drug classification is class II drug with high permeability and low solubility.

part C:

in this part I need discussion on how to make class II drug has a high bioavailability percentage and why. what kind of mechanism should be used. and formulation strategies.

it needs solubility enhancement to increase the solubility and bioavailability and make it a class I drug. (micelle formation, particle size reduction, addition of co-solvents).
Lipophilic molecules it will face difficulties passing from the intestinal lumen to the enterocyte.
pancreatic lipase and the co lipase will digest the triglycerides (complex lipids) make it fatty acids and monoglycerides which leads to particle size reduction.
monomers will bind with phosphollpids, amphiphilic molecules and bile salts to form mixed micelles to help transport the drug molecule to enterocyte membrane.
the enterocyte the drug molecule will bind with chylomicrons (large lipoproteins formed via core expansion) and travels into the lymph instead of the blood stream.

Other mechanism to increase the solubility and bloavailability of lipophilic drugs turning them from class Il to class I drugs.

reference is needed

the words limit is 750

Question 4:

is related to biology and psychology subject

in this question you need to write a concise article related to FMT therapy:
    Causes of CDI and its impact on patients; recommended first line therapies, the current use of FMT, how it works and efficacy compared to antibiotic therapy.
    Key considerations in offering this therapy, focussing on what you consider to be the take home message for UK pharmacists from the Krajicek paper.

only refer to this link  Vancouver style only I have attached the pdf file for this question.

the words limit is 400

Question 5:

is related to pharmacology and pharmacy practice subject.

it is divided into 3 parts

part A:

what is dietary non-starch polysaccharides?

complex carbohydrates other than starch and classified as fibres it is mostly component of plant cell walls that cannot be digested. they soluble and insoluble fibres and can be found in fruits, vegetables and wholegrains.
some references are needed

part B:

the recommended daily intake for NSPs in the diet, in the UK?

in the UK, 30g per day for adult.

reference is needed

part C:

the role of NSPs in the diet, considering why they are a required component of a healthy balanced diet.

in wholegrains there are insoluble fibres good for constipation it attracts water to soften the stool and bulk it up. reduces the transit time through the GIT meaning going to the toilet. soluble fibres found in fruits and vegetables are important because it delays the gastric emptying lead to feel fuller for longer time and the cholesterol reuptake is decreased by binding to bile salts.

reference is needed

the words limit is 200.

References should be in Vancouver style only.

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