Persuasive Letter

Situation: You work as the Vice President of Marketing for Amazon. Several of the employees in the 42 person marketing department have been complaining about their workspace “not being very comfortable to work in with poor work conditions” The following are some of the reasons which have been submitted to you:

1: It is very tight, no room to manever between one desk to another
2. The carpeting is old, which traps in allegens and can cause people to sneeze
3. The desk and chairs are old and uncomfortable (broken)
4. There is hardly any natural light coming into the work area.

As their boss, you can see these mentioned reasons are causing employees to not work as hard. There has been an unmotivated stigma within the department because of the workspace over the last 18 months. Fortunately, there is a new remodeled space in the building, which can accomodate the entire marketing deparment. This area has plenty of natural light and new carpet throughout. This space is currently unoccupied, and there are currently no plans to fill the space with another department.

Writing Task:
Write a persuasive email to the vice president of Human Resources at Amazon, Maria Sanchez ([email protected]). You will need to persuade her to allow you to move the marketing department into this new space. There will be costs to do this, such as purchasing new office equipment, bringing in the IT department to set up all the computers, and now having to remodel the old marketing area. When writing the email, please be sure to use persuasive reasoning to support the request to move the marketing department to this new area.

– This email needs to be written as a professional email
– Provide logical support for any claims

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