peer post 1

I need a peer post for that discusssion
The Theory of Self Transcendence focus on patient well-being. Patients have the capacity to expand self-boundaries such as believes values and dreams to connect with others environment entities memories machine among others. This theory promotes spiritual well-being and it is focus in new directions for healing and health is used in end of life mental health adolescents and it has been used with patients caregivers healthcare providers and healthy populations. Vulnerability is related to increased self-transcendence and self -transcendence increase well-being.
Mrs.Richards is a 39 years old female complaining of anxiety and fatigue. Fatigue depression and anxiety are affecting Mrs. Richards mental health. Her husband and two children were killed 8 years ago in a traffic accident. The first intervention is that the nurse needs to build a therapeutic relationship with the patient to establish trust nursing-patient in order to gather all the information from the patient to start story theory involving the patient in a conversation to help the patient resolve the health challenge. It is important for the nurse to help the patient to increase her self-esteem to will bring her back to a normal life. The nurse will encourage Mrs. Richards to participate in support groups because the support groups will help her to acknowledge change integrate loss with healthful grief and will help her to cope with this difficult situation in her life.
For this case I reviewed the Concept Analysis of Spirituality: An Evolutionary Approach by Elizabeth Weathers PHD RN.
Hussey T. (2009). Nursing and spirituality. Nursing Philoso- phy 10(2) 7180.
Dossey B. M. Keegan L. & In Barrere C. (2016).Holistic nursing: A handbook for practice.

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