p5 11

Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 100 words.
Eve Martinez
1 posts
Re:Topic 4 DQ 2
Networking helps nurses build relationships that may help you to get a job move into a specialty or even move into a management position within your current facility. Some recruiters indicate that a strong percentage of candidates are denied due to lack of professional references. Networking and professional affiliations also provide a form of support. Nursing can be a difficult and demanding profession stress and fatigue often lead to nurse burn-out. Only other nurses may understand and provide advice to cope with the emotions and physical demands of the job. Additionally professional organizations may have the ability to improve condition for nurses by influencing the healthcare system itself; there is strength in numbers (Schmidt 2016). A good network outside our own organization can makeit possible for us to gain access to and act upon new information faster. It can save time and energy in a leadership role to have a network of individuals with similar challenges who can provide advice based on their experiences. Having a strong network can also be invaluable if you are looking for new career opportunities especially for emerging nurse leaders (Sherman 2012).
Schmidt K. (2016 February 22). 5 Reasons Nurses Should Engage in Professional Networking. Retrieved July 17 2017 from http://blog.bluepipes.com/5-reasons-nurses-should-take-professional-networking-seriously/
Sherman R. (2012). The Power of Leadership Networking. Retrieved July 17 2017 from http://www.emergingrnleader.com/networkinginnursing/

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