Online class discussion

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**This is for a non formal online class discussion

Note: I can provide reading material later if needed

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I moved to Singapore  when I was a kid around age 8/9 and lived there for a few years, before moving to sydney and now san francisco..I think singapore is quite a conservative country…In that way, that some of my views used to be a bit conservative…the sell of bubble gum is banned in singapore, looked frown/down upon, I used to bring back some while visiting my other relatives who lived in Bali…School uniform is very strict even though I attended international school, the tshirt must be tucked in at all times, hair cut must be neat and proper, this never occurred before while living in Bali…singapore melting pot…in school we need are required to learn another culture and learn basic second language beside english as singapore recognized malay, tamil, mandarin, english…taken chinese language class…Picked up a bit of malay language while living there (malaysian) from interaction to sellers, teachers, etc and visiting Jurong Malaysia (next to Singapore, connected thru bridge),,,,

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