Observation 4

Read Charlotte Perkins S. Gilman’s “A Conservative”. As you read, make observations on any interesting and unique devices or stylistic elements. Do NOT use any outside sources to interpret this poem; you are more intelligent that an internet search. Then respond to the following prompts in a formal, objective observation. Notice I said “formal” and “objective”; you should be familiar with what this entails at this point. Please review your mistakes on prior observation reports to improve and earn higher scores.  Your observation must be between 350-400 words. You must use two strong verbs (bold these words). Next, create an interesting title.  The last thing I want to stress is the way in which you respond to prompts. Your observation should read more like an analysis or a discussion, rather then an insipid question/answer format. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

What is this poem about?
What does it reveal about society contemporary to it?
How is the element of a parochial mindset developed in this poem?
How is this poem affected when analyzed through the feminist lens?
How is the poet’s personal life conducive to readers’ understanding of the work as a whole?
Form one thought-provoking question that could spark class discussion. Write this separate from your observation on the bottom of the page with the heading: Discussion Question: then enter your question.

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