Nutrition Discussion Prompt


Respond to 3 of the discussion prompts to build your discussion. Think critically and respond with your own opinions and ideas that are well thought out, thorough, and fact-based.
Do not simply repeat the discussion of your peers. You will receive minimal credit.
Include citations or web links used. You may use other resources besides the ones provided, but be sure you are using reliable, scientific, accurate sources. Review Unit 2 if you are unsure if your source is acceptable.
You will need to submit 3 complete total responses for full credit (1 initial response addressing your 3 questions and 2 peer responses). In your peer responses, you will need to respond to one of the questions of your peers.
You should write professionally with complete sentences, proper spelling, and grammar. There is no word count requirement, your posts are graded on the quality of content, and discussion expectations.

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