This is the rubric:
Module 4: Assignment Grading Rubric
Module 4: Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritically analyze a research article for strengths and limitations.
60 pts
Critically analyzes 3 research articles for strengths and limitations.
40 pts
Critically analyzes 2 research articles for strengths and limitations.
20 pts
Needs Improvement
Analyzes 1 research article.
0 pts
Missing Information
Does not analyze any articles
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and APA- Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.
30 pts
Consistently uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (0 APA errors in references and 0 grammatical errors).
25 pts
Uses correct mechanics and APA format in writing professional papers (1-2 APA errors in references and/or 1-2 grammatical errors noted).
15 pts
Needs Improvement
3-4 APA errors in references and/or 3-4 grammatical errors noted.
0 pts
Missing Information
Does not use correct mechanics and/or APA format (more than 5 APA errors in references and/or more than 5 grammatical errors noted).
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of in-text citations
10 pts
Uses 3 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts.
7 pts
Uses 2 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 1-2 APA errors r/t citations
3 pts
Needs Improvement
Uses 1 properly formatted in-text citations to support thoughts OR 3-4 APA errors r/t citations
0 pts
Missing Information
No use of in-text citations to support thoughts OR >5 APA errors r/t citations
10 pts
Total Points: 100