
Carefully review the American Nurses Association (ANA) Leadership Institute Competency Model Framework. Briefly describe a situation (real or imagined) when you were in a leadership position and answer the following questions:

Use the following headings in the template


START INTRODUCTION WITH (Purpose Statement)(1 paragraph):  The purpose of this paper is to discuss a leadership scenario and relate it to the American Nurses Association (ANA) Leadership Institute Competency Model Framework. ( see attachments). Do not write in the first person in the APA form.
A good introduction typically begins with a few general sentences (three to four) about your topic followed by a purpose statement.

Scenario & Leadership Style
In paragraph form describe the scenario and the leadership style utilized with a reference from the readings. (Leadership & Management)(Refer to attachment)

In (1) paragraph form describe whether the outcome and whether the leadership style was successful or not. Then describe why.

Competency Model Framework (see attachment)
In (1 ) paragraph form, define the Competency Model Framework, then tell which elements of it were pertinent to the situation. In the situation was self-lead or the organization? Make sure you reference the framework.

Conclusion (2 paragraphs minimum)
A good conclusion summarizes the contents of the paper and typically does not contain any references. This conclusion should be at least two paragraphs long.

*****Make sure you have at least two references in the reference page

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