need help with 6 discussions each should be one page

Week 1 Discussion Actions for ‘Week 1 Discussion’ SubscribeHide Description Week 1 covers the following main concepts: definition of forensic biology cell biology basic cell differences scientific method validation Based on the assigned reading post an original response to the questions found below. What is forensic biology and how does it differ from one other discipline of forensic science? Examples of other disciplines of forensic science would include areas such as forensic anthropology forensic odontology crime scene investigation forensic toxicology forensic chemistry trace evidence firearms & toolmarks etc.. What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Describe the basic structure of a eukaryotic cell. List and describe each of the steps of the scientific method. How is data typically validated in forensic laboratories? Refer to the powerpoint and the FBI Quality Assurance Standards to help answer this question. You are not required to respond to your classmates for this conference. Be sure to correctly cite any material used in your responses that is not original. This conference is worth a total of 3 points. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed original response provided for each of the questions. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 1 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. Your responses are due by 11:59 pm on Sunday.
week 2 Post an original response to the following questions. Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You may need to rely heavily on the week 2 powerpoint to answer these questions. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. 1. A great deal of fingerprint examination has been considered subjective. Based on the lab standard operating procedures individual examiners will use their training and expertise to evaluate all of the information available in a fingerprint to decide whether there is a match or not. There is no set number of points that must be met. Do you agree with this method? Explain why or why not. 2. Based on the formula used in the powerpoint calculate the amount of 100 proof alcohol it would take for you personally to become legally drunk in the state of Maryland. The limit in Maryland is 0.08%. You can use a fake weight if you don’t want to expose how much you weigh to everyone :). Show your work. 3. Two very important components to forensic serological analyses are the sensitivity and specificity of the test being used. Describe the difference between sensitivity and specificity. Do you think one is more important than the other? Explain why or why not. 4. You are processing a sexual assault case. The suspect allegedly attempted to force another individual to perform oral sex on him. Upon arrest the suspect defecated on himself. His underwear were submitted for testing. The investigators have requested amylase testing to corroborate or refute the suspect’s claim. Would you perform amylase testing in this case? Explain why or why not. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed original response provided for each of the questions. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate
week 3 Considering what you have read this week compare and contrast the various methods for determining time since death. What do you consider to be the most reliable method of determining time since death? Be sure to include in your answer the reasoning behind your choice. Try to include something in your answer from each chapter from the reading. Please keep your answers to 1-3 paragraphs. Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed and original response. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate.
week 4 1. As an expert witness part of our job is to break down complex ideas when testifying so that a jury of individuals who may have little or no knowledge of science can easily grasp what we are saying. The polymerase chain reaction is a concept that DNA experts are often asked to explain in court. For a moment pretend you are an expert witness in a trial. How would you explain PCR to a jury? Remember you are explaining it to a jury (with a potentially short attentive span because they are tired and hungry) so your response should be brief yet clear and effective. Creative analogies are encouraged. 2. Occasionally there can be mutations in DNA due to replication errors transposable elements or environmental hazard exposure. Discuss the different types of mutations possible (base pair substitution insertion deletion). What is an example of when a mutation could be harmful to an individual? What is an example of when a mutation could be beneficial? 3. Do you feel that cloning should be allowed in the US? Why or why not? Support your answer with examples. Note: Remember some feel stem cell research is a form of cloning. Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed and original response. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate
week 5 Compare and contrast the following DNA analysis techniques: STRs miniSTRs mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) and Y-STRs. Do you believe that one technique is superior to any of the other ones? Discuss why or why not. Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed and original response. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate.
week 6 . Everyone is aware that additional training will occur at your new forensic lab even if you are fully trained from an outside lab. This is part of the ASCLD-LAB (American Society of Crime Lab Directors – Laboratory Accreditation Board) accreditation. As part of that continuing education you will be required to take 2 external proficiency tests per year. Please explain why you think this process is important and how it could benefit you while testifying on the stand as an expert witness. 2. Ethics is important in several careers but can be devastating in forensics. One violation of ethics and a good attorney will have your career in ruins. Please consider the scenarios below. Choose ONE and explain your answer. If you know your co-worker has falsified some data on a case that you both completed analysis on would you report it to your supervisor? You arrive at a crime scene and find out it is the house of your wife’s ex-husband and you have a long history of conflict in the past five years. Is it ethical for you to continue on the case? The defense attorney made a mistake in defending the case on a DNA data and would lose the case for sure. Do you have an obligation to correct him? Use appropriate references when necessary. Provide a thoughtful response to at least one other classmate. You will have until Sunday at 11:59 pm to respond. Your responses will be graded using the following scale: 2 points: Detailed and original response. Reasoning is logical. Terms and concepts from the assigned materials are incorporated. 0.5 point: Proper form is used (grammar spelling style). If applicable correct and full citations for sources are used. 0.5 point: Thoughtful response to at least one other classmate.

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