Narrative about your life

Logistics: Must be 3-5 pages Use first-person point-of-view Focus on a moment of your life Must have sensory imagery and vivid descriptions Use clear but interesting languageBasic Features of Autobiographical Narratives
A Well-Told Story Something Happens
Shows a conflict and resolution internal/external; physical/emotional
Builds suspense- makes the reader want to know what happens next
Marks the passage of time through verb tenses and temporal markers; next, then, later, suddenly, over the next three weeks.
Exploding the Moment slows down and SHOWS rather than TELLS
Vivid Presentation Use of Language
Tone and Style
Specific Detail
Important dialogue
Indication of the Events Significance: The Purpose
SHOW through action (implied thesis)
TELL through reflection (stated thesis)
Avoid neat moral of the story approach

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