Museum Visitation review

Assignment: Alternative to the Museum Visitation
If you decide you do not want to go to an Art Museum this summer due to COVID 19, you must choose ONE OPTION from the assignments below instead. Do NOT complete all of them.
Essay Directions (Read all directions carefully before you start!)
1. Your essay should follow the guidelines stated under the Written Assignments section of your syllabus. Your paper must be typed in a 10 – 12-point font, double-spaced with margins that are no more than 1 inch.
2. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, save your file as a .txt, .pdf, or .rtf file. Title your document.
3. No matter which of the three options you choose below, your report must be at least 700 words.
4. Please make sure to turn in your own work. Use your own words, not summaries of the descriptions of the artwork listed in the exhibit brochure or displayed with the objects’ titles. See the syllabus link -Academic Dishonesty for more information on paraphrasing and summarizing.
5. This report is an individual project. It should not be done with other students.
6. Any papers that are plagiarized will be turned back to the student and an “F” grade will be given.
7. Upload your paper to the Museum Paper dropbox.
8. Read your originality report. If your paper is above 5% copied (excluding quotes) make the necessary changes before re-submitting it into the dropbox. You can re-submit your paper only up until the due date, so upload early to have enough time to edit your paper if necessary. For more information click: Using the Turnitin drop boxes in Blackboard and understanding originality reports.

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